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PM1003 Pants

Finding work pants that can be used for multiple jobs is a little bit more difficult than getting other work wears. In this case, PM1003 Cargo pants are the second most efficient engineered work pants by the Bazooka brand. As shown in the photos, these pants have a lot of pockets and different using parts which each of them is designed and produced by Bazooka team for a specific reason.

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Bazooka designers work on custom logo design, color combination, accessory placement, and clothing labels based on customers' precise requests.

Bazooka has the ability to produce all the necessary clothing for specialized, operational, administrative, and headquarters tasks in different models and materials.

Accurate prediction of measures and deployment of professional staff has always been a priority for ensuring compliance with industrial clothing standards at Bazooka brand.

Continuous and practical use of the creativity of experts and designers in the field of clothing with the aim of improving the efficiency, comfort, and safety of products.
